Saturday, January 3, 2015


I'm good to be alone. sometimes I think it's the saddest, most unbearable thing there ever was. but then days like this come along, while considering my prospects, and I could not care less.

the coworker's bro is nice, he really is. and we do have a considerable amount in common. but I think we're bored with each other already. I don't chase people, so I'm not going to sweat my brow trying to keep a conversation going. and if he were interested, he'd show it. we're just walking parallel, no converging of lines. and that's cool. I'm not forcing anything, he's not pushing anything. we're good. last message I sent got a curt reply without an open to keep talking. so I think we're done here. cool. life must go on.

gotta get ready for work, but I have more to say soon. stay with me...

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