Sunday, December 22, 2013

look, another post!

shared by a friend on facebook. while i don't know her full story, i understand she's struggled. i admire her strength to go on and her optimism for the new year. i share that same optimism. 2014 belongs to me.

Saturday, December 21, 2013

right about now...

the funk soul brother
sorry if the video weirds you out. i never knew it sucked!

I should really post more mundane shit so I don't go weeks without posting. but at the same time I don't want to be boring. where's the middle ground?

'we'll, kits, what have you been up to?'

I'm glad you asked! about half way done editing the first book of my novel series. after that, I have a duck or two to get in a row before I start sending chapters to my editor. the goal is to have this bad boy polished by the end if the year, 2015 I star looking for a publisher and a house.

also been going through Rosetta Stone like motherfucking gang busters. and it's working. i recognize characters and their sounds outside my learning and can eventually glean words and context. I know this Rosetta Stone is is stiff as fuck (its lack of colloquialism is a main complaint of users), but between Rosetta Stone, anime and various other outlets, I'll be pretty conversational.

also gearing up for the 2014 cons season. it's looking like action packed con-y goodness from february to november. i would love to go to every con offered in the DF-Dub area, but some have pretty spicy prices, and i have a thing about premiering a new cosplay at each one i attend. so between the cost of the pass, the cost of make a new cosplay and, you know, the cost of living, i might not get to go to some of them. but i still plan to look great at the ones i do get to. 

i've also be doing a fair amount of gaming. my friends made me open the pandora's box that is a steam account. i've sunk quite a few hours into steam games so far (and a few dollars, yikes!), but i still myself finding playing good ole nancy drew games. i love nancy drew games. i'm currently on a kick to play every single nancy drew game to date. out of 29 games (30 drops in 2014, woot!) i've played 12. it would be 14, but i've had a hard time getting a good copy of two of them. i love puzzles and they all have a great variety of puzzles, any you can think of. but i think i've gotten too good at them. less than halfway through, i always figure out who done it.

'that's all well and good, kits, but aren't you supposed to be writing? don't you have a novel you're supposed to be working on?'

well, yes. and i am. i try to take time out of every day to work on the novel. but editing is quite honestly the worst part of writing. and editing something i wrote years ago before i started honing my craft is a little painful and tediuous. however, i'm over half way done with the initial edit. by the time i'm clear to submit it to my editor, the polish will be done.

i'm pretty excited. my passions are coming to fruition in ways i would have never imagined. i get to be creative more and more these days. i am exctremely optomistic that 2014 is going to be my finest year as such. one day, very soon, i may even live creatively. writing, creating, crafting, sewing, doing the things i love and actually making sustainable money. i cannot wait.

stay with me...

Monday, December 2, 2013

i got dreams so big.....

colored this today. quite fond of it. wish i could draw as well as i color. i wouldn't have a day job.

how are you?

been  a few days but i'm still doing me. been working hardcore on a novel i started probably seven years's the first book in a five book series. it's completely done too. it's just really, really poorly written.

i started it well before i began honing my skills, and god does it show. have an excerpt:

“You work for Statori?”
“I am chief of all State forces. I am known as the Viper. You’ve met my student, Jin Odan. And now, tell us, who are you?” Mo turned her head to the floor and said nothing. The Viper sighed. “They are always like this, aren’t they?” he chuckled to Jin. “So DIFFICULT!” He turned and struck Mo with the back of his fist as he spoke. She bent forward but didn’t topple. “What are you going to do with me?” she asked, her voice barely above a whisper. Viper crouched in front of Mo and leaned into her face. She only glanced at his face, but his eyes told her everything she need to know: this man is ruthless. His eyes were an inky contrast to his pallor and silvery locks. They sat close to his high cheekbones and held all the fury of a rabid animal. He raised a hand to caress her brow, cheek and lips. She cringed at his touch and extremely close proximity. “What I want,” he whispered, “you will know in good time. Until then, who are you and who sent you?” “Go to hell,” Mo whispered back. Vipers face was an instant scowl. He stood and pulled a pistol from a side holster beneath this suit jacket. She watched as he slowly took off the safety and fully cocked the hammer. “Wait!” she said suddenly. “I do have something to show you.” A greasy, self-confident smile crossed Viper’s face. He replaced he hammer, but left the gun trained on Mo. While she had been on her knees, she managed to loosen the ropes around her ankles, without being noticed, but left them taunt enough to stay in place. Mo situated herself so she sat flatly on the floor with her knees at her chest. She then rolled backwards in a tumble and brought her bound hands in front of her. “What the…” Jin remarked out loud. Viper, looking slightly irritated, asked, “Is that it?”

grammatical errors, weird POV at times, giant blocks of indiscriminate prose and dialogue. wow. but the story is completely solid. for which i'm very glad. i've got skeleton for all five books of the series. something i rarely do. like really, rarely. most of my writing i go into not having any fathomable clue how it's going to end. even my blog posts, i just be typin'.

so to me, this is meant to be. which is why i'm working so hard on it. because as soon as i finish something else, i can start submitting chapters of the novel to my editor. yes, i have an editor who i've worked with and trust with my writing. it's not particularly up her alley of expertise (she writes romance, i write fantasy and sci fi), but she knows how i work and i know how she edits. so i'm really honored to work with her on this.

i'm busting my ass to stay on top of this now because this novel is the beginning of a dream that i HAVE to see to fruition. as i mentioned in a previous posts, i've seen a lot of death in the last few months. so many lives cut short makes me realize i got to get moving, do something. i don't want regrets, what if's. i want to know that i at least tried.

i've always wanted to be a published author. i've been writing ever since i could put sentences together. my mind can't be contained, too much shit in this head, man. i gotta get it out, i gotta share. my dream, realized the last day of november 2013 is to publish this novel as my first. sell a bunch of copies, maybe be able to work on the second one full time and quit my job (or at least go to a part time job). then i'll start squirreling money away to make the epic first trip to japan. eventually, i want to be successful enough to make at least one trip to Japan (or any other country i feel like seeing) once a year.

ambitious, i know. don't care. that's the goal. that's why i work. i want this for not only me, but for the people that i love and the people that i've lost. you'll want to see where this goes, i promise you. the ride will be a little bit of amazing. stick with me...