Friday, May 24, 2013

hey man, it's a post!

today is mostly about sharing this song that my lil sister has so kindly gotten stuck in my head. i do like the song, but if i don't get it out by sharing with you, i'm gonna get it out with a bullet. enjoy!

in other news, gearing up big time for A-Kon 24! first year cosplaying for the first time ever as this darling lil troll, Kanaya Maryam

ain't she cute!

it seemed such a simple thing at first, t-shirt with he symbol, skirt, shoes and horns. but this has become a multi-hundred dollar, weeks long process. and after planning since january, and starting to purchase the parts in february, i'm down to a week left and i'm still not done. i, quite honestly, don't see how professional cosplayers do it. but it's been a fun as hell ride, and when things work right, it's beautiful to see. just finished her horns today and have her wig ready for wearing. check me out!

really looking forward to this kon. gonna be a lot of great guests and stuff to do. will post pics once i return!

Friday, May 3, 2013

April missed me, but May kissed me

so yeah, still not dead. still gonna post this wittle blog.

a skinny on the things since the last post. lots o' work. junk around the house. new interests, new projects. added to the pandemonium that is my brain: my cosplay for A-Kon, five coursera courses at one time (god help me!),,, the first bit of my blog exclusive story 'Number's Game', Dramatical Murder and much much more.

BUT i am posting tonight because i set myself up for heartache tonight. I got a nod from a cutie on a dating site (don't judge me or call me a hypocrite, i've been on that site WELL before i denounced my love life!). so i messaged said cutie and have obsessively been checking the phone and email ever since to see if he happens to message back. what. in the fuck. is wrong. with me....

anywho, have some dubstep. not my favorite version, but a tasty one nonetheless...