Monday, September 28, 2015

stages of grief

but not really.

yesterday and this morning I was mopey mcmoperson because I got the distinct impression the DM is not feeling me. slight comments over the last two visits have not sat well with me and promoted the downward spiral. but I'm coming back up.

because I've gotten past the sadness, and I'm annoyed. how very dare you flirt, by the observation of no less than two people, then just shut it off. I feel as if he has some unrealistic ideal that I suddenly don't meet anymore, despite the fact that I am a goddamn national treasure. and cute as he is, he ain't the best turkey in the shop either. so for me not to be good enough is bullshit. but I will say this, if I ain't your cup of tea, you don't have to settle for me. I still have a prayer out in the atmosphere for my one true nerd who's gonna love me, for me, unconditionally.

I'll probably be a miserable bitch in the meantime, but at least he'll be worth the wait.

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